The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2023-09-15 - 10:40 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2023-09-07 - 10:40 Read more

SCAAK and NAO sign a cooperation agreement for professional training

2023-07-26 - 08:34 Read more

The first group successfully completes the "Product Cost Determination" training program

Congratulations to the first group on the successful completion of the "Product Cost Determination" training program. The program is supported by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Kosova & Management and Developments Associates (MDA) through the Enhancing Youth Employment- EYE...

2023-07-13 - 06:38 Read more

ShKÇAK pret në takim BMP dhe IEKA të Shqipërisë

2023-07-12 - 08:42 Read more

ShKÇAK merr pjesë në tryezën “Forcimi i Raportimit Financiar të Korporatave në Kosovë dhe Vendosja e Kërkesave të Raportimit mbi Qëndrueshmërinë“ të organizuar CFRR

2023-07-12 - 05:51 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2023-06-07 - 10:40 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2023-05-11 - 10:40 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2023-05-11 - 10:30 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2023-05-11 - 10:00 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2023-04-25 - 04:00 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2023-04-25 - 03:43 Read more

ShKÇAK dhe IAAB nënshkruajn Memorandum Mirëkuptimi

2023-04-13 - 01:36 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2023-04-04 - 10:43 Read more

ShKÇAK dhe Helvetas & MDA nënshkruajnë marrëveshje për zhvillimin e trajnimit specifik me fokus në "Caktimin e kostos së Produktit”

2023-03-24 - 11:42 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2023-03-24 - 10:43 Read more

Pjesëmarrja në panelin e diskutimit me temë “Formalizimi i Punësimit”

2023-03-22 - 03:46 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2023-03-10 - 04:43 Read more

ShKÇAK viziton Victoria Accounting House

2023-03-08 - 11:49 Read more

ShKÇAK viziton Univerzum Audit

2023-03-07 - 11:49 Read more

ShKÇAK viziton Deloitte Kosova

2023-03-06 - 11:49 Read more


Published by: IFAC The largest global companies continue to show momentum on corporate reporting and related assurance involving environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, according to a new report from the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and AICPA & CIMA,...

2023-03-01 - 02:48 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2023-02-27 - 04:43 Read more

Key Factors to Develop and use Audit Quality Indicators

Published by: Accountany Europe It is a common objective for all parties in the corporate reporting ecosystem to improve the quality of financial reporting. Delivering consistently high-quality audits is an essential element to achieve this. However, further work is needed to agree on the...

2023-01-24 - 10:32 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2022-12-06 - 02:43 Read more

ShKÇAK pjesëmarrëse në Seminarin e Zyrtarëve të Lartë: PULSAR, REPARIS për NVM-të, STAREP

2022-11-29 - 02:28 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2022-11-24 - 11:43 Read more

SCAAK representatives part of the REPARIS Regional Conference organized by the Centre for Financial Reporting Reform of the World Bank.

SCAAK representatives part of the REPARIS Regional Conference organized by the Centre for Financial Reporting Reform of the World Bank. Topic: Strengthening Corporate Governance in Albania and Kosovo: Sustainability Reporting and Incerased Role of the Audit Committees.

2022-11-10 - 11:36 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education


2022-11-07 - 03:43 Read more

ShKÇAK pjesëmarrëse në Konferencën Vjetore të Federatës Mesdhetare të Kontabilistëve (FCM).

2022-11-04 - 03:25 Read more