Representatives of SCAAK participates in "Training for Trainers in Internal Audit" in Vienna from 19-22 june, 2017

The World Bank’s Centre for Financial Reporting Reform (CFRR) in close cooperation with the Internal Audit Community of Practice (IACOP) of Public Expenditure Management Peer Assisted Learning network (PEMPAL) has developed a two-year construction program of regional capacities for public...

2017-06-19 - 01:54 Read more

Building a Strong, Transparent Global Economy to Inspire Confidence

IFAC’s Call for Action by G20 Countries Global economic stability and transparency and the rebuilding of public trust will be greatly enhanced by a determined G20 push for stronger governance across all sectors, according to IFAC—the International Federation of Accountants. In...

2017-06-19 - 01:42 Read more

IAESB Proposes Revised Continuing Professional Development Standard to Focus More Fully on Learning Outcomes

The International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) today released a proposed revision of International Education Standard (IES) 7, Continuing Professional Development, that places greater emphasis on learning and development directly related to an accountant’s...

2017-06-08 - 02:00 Read more

The General Meeting of the SCAAK Assembly

The General Meeting of SCAAK Assembly has just finished. The agenda of this meeting included important issues related to SCAAK's progress and action plans. During the meeting, the Annual Report and the Audited Financial Statements of 2016 were approved. During this meeting also were...

2017-05-23 - 02:06 Read more

SCAAK organizes three-day CPD and Assembly Meeting in Pogradec

SCAAK for its members has organized three-day CPD, which will be held on 23, 24 and 25 May 2017 in Pogradec. During these days the following topics will be addressed: "Leasing (IAS 17, IFRS 16)" and "Revenue (IAS 18, IFRS 15)" by Mr. Nazmi Pllana; "The opposite...

2017-05-22 - 02:17 Read more

IASB finalises fundamental overhaul of insurance accounting

The International Accounting Standards Board (the Board) has today issued IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts. This first truly international IFRS Standard for insurance contracts will help investors and others better understand insurers’ risk exposure, profitability and financial...

2017-05-18 - 02:24 Read more

Festa e Fundvitit 2022

2015-12-17 - 02:29 Read more

Mbledhja e Kuvendit të Anëtarëve të ShKÇAK - 2023

2013-03-28 - 11:31 Read more