2020-03-24 - 04:04 Read more

Notice - The Ministry of Finance and Transfers decides on the extension of the deadline for submission of declarations and payment of taxes

The Ministry of Finance and Transfers has published the Decision to extend until April 30, 2020 the deadline for submission of tax returns, reports and payments, as well as the treatment and decision regarding refunds, related to the implementation of applicable tax legislation. Please click...

2020-03-19 - 04:04 Read more

Notice - The Ministry of Finance and Transfers publishes the Decision to extend the deadline until June 30, 2020 for the submission of statements to the KCFR

The Ministry of Finance and Transfers has published the Decision to postpone the deadline until June 30, 2020 for the submission of statements and financial statements of all enterprises to the Kosovo Council for Financial Reporting(KCFR). Please click HERE to access the DECISION

2020-03-18 - 12:04 Read more

Coronavirus: 4 tips to work remotely

The coronavirus outbreak is consuming headlines. Many employers are preparing for possible disruptions that could affect business in the long-term, including labour shortages, transportation issues, reduced working hours and low consumer traffic. Fortunately, many businesses are already taking...

2020-03-18 - 11:26 Read more


SCAAK represents more than 7,000 members who serve a large number of small and medium enterprises in Kosovo. Small and medium-sized enterprises will be most affected by the economic consequences of measures taken by the Government to protect public health from COVID-19. We call on the...

2020-03-12 - 04:44 Read more

SCAAK: Notice of suspension of activities

Dear members, Following the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo to take preventive measures against the spread of Covid-19 virus, including the termination of the educational process at all levels until 27/03/2020, SCAAK informs you that starting from 12/03/2020 all trainings...

2020-03-12 - 09:50 Read more

Achieving High-Quality Audits

High-quality audits of financial statements are essential to strong organizations, financial markets and economies.  While audits have historically focused on enhancing the confidence of investors and other providers of capital, other stakeholders also benefit—including directors,...

2020-03-11 - 10:00 Read more

The Right Process

The objective of an audit is to provide investors and other stakeholders with reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements, taken as a whole, are prepared in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework and are free from material misstatement.  Audits help...

2020-03-11 - 09:55 Read more

The Right People

High-quality audits depend on individuals, acting in the public interest, with the experience, integrity, independence, professional judgement, and skills commensurate with a high-quality audit.  There is no more important factor. It is therefore vital that audits be conducted in an...

2020-03-11 - 09:52 Read more

The Right Governance

Achieving high-quality audits is dependent on a well-functioning ecosystem of participants from the audit profession as well as from governing bodies, directors and management.  The right culture—starting with the tone at the top—and right oversight are critical to achieving a...

2020-03-11 - 09:46 Read more

The Right Regulation

Regulation plays an important role in calibrating incentives, driving good outcomes, and ensuring that reasonable expectations are met.  At the same time, there is the risk that the cost of regulation outweighs the benefits, that regulation can foster low-value defensive behaviors, or can...

2020-03-11 - 09:41 Read more

The Right Measurement

The term audit quality encompasses the key elements, both contextual and quantifiable, that create an environment which maximizes the likelihood that quality audits are performed on a consistent basis. Globally, many thousands of audits are performed annually—in the public...

2020-03-11 - 09:36 Read more

Calls to Action

All participants in the audit and assurance ecosystem must act to improve the audit process, the skill-set and mind-set of accounting professionals, the governance activities of companies and firms, the regulations and standards that support entity reporting and auditor behavior, and how audit...

2020-03-11 - 09:28 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education

2020-03-09 - 12:43 Read more

Responsibility of certified accountants for signing financial statements

2020-03-06 - 03:36 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education

2020-02-28 - 03:43 Read more

Ethics is the value of a member of the Society of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Kosovo

2020-02-26 - 01:53 Read more

IFAC PAO Development Committee Meeting

New York, February 19-20, 2020 - SCAAK Executive Director, Ms. Ardiana Bunjaku participated in IFAC Professional Accountancy Organization Development Committee (PAODC) meeting, where she also serves as a technical advisor. At the beginning of the meeting the participants were welcomed by the...

2020-02-21 - 09:41 Read more

The next session of Continuing Professional Education

2020-02-14 - 03:43 Read more

SCAAK participates on the International Conference of National Audit Office

Prishtina, February 12, 2020 - Representatives of the Society of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Kosovo are attending an International Conference organized by the National Audit Office - "The Meaning and Importance of the Membership to INTOSAI: Impact and Benefits for the Supreme Audit...

2020-02-12 - 01:41 Read more

Notice - KCFR publishes Administrative Instruction no. 01/2020 on Annual Financial Reporting of Micro Enterprises

2020-02-10 - 05:04 Read more

Sustainable Development Goals Disclosure (SDGD) Recommendations

IFAC joins leading accounting bodies to call for corporate and asset owner action and improved reporting on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in an attempt to hit goals set for 2030. The recommendations are detailed in the report, Sustainable Development Goals Disclosure...

2020-02-07 - 10:00 Read more

SCAAK participates in FCM Council Meeting

Rome, January31, 2020 - President of the SCAAK Council Mrs. Afërdita Gashi attended the FCM Council Meeting. During this meeting the participants discussed the new strategy plan, update on activities and the next 18th Annual Conference. At this meeting, an important issue for discussion...

2020-01-31 - 02:59 Read more

Discussion meeting with Statutory Auditors on the main requirements of the Law on Accounting, Financial Reporting and Auditing

2020-01-28 - 05:04 Read more

SCAAK visits partners in Albania

Tirana, January 23-24, 2020 - SCAAK representatives held meetings with representatives of the Public Supervisory Board of the Republic of Albania, The Institute of Authorized Chartered Auditors of Albania (IEKA) and the Albanian Institute of Certified Accountants (IKM). Discussions...

2020-01-24 - 06:31 Read more

Businesses and Accounting and Auditing Professionals discuss the Law on Financial Reporting

Prishtina, January 21, 2020 – The Society of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Kosovo, the American Chamber of Commerce and the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce organized a roundtable on the new requirements arising from the Law on Accounting, Financial Reporting and Auditing and the...

2020-01-21 - 05:05 Read more

​The Key to Better Internal Audit Reports

​Audit reports are critical for communicating the results of an audit. The best case is that weeks or often months of work are boiled down into a powerful narrative that drives positive action. The more likely case is that weeks or often months of work are laid out in a painstakingly long,...

2020-01-20 - 02:22 Read more

SCAAK participated in the ceremony of the 20th anniversary of the Tax Administration of Kosovo

The Tax Administration of Kosovo today marks the 20th anniversary of its establishment, a period with many challenges but undoubtedly many successes in collecting taxes and contributions and providing quality services to taxpayers. Representatives of SCAAK had the honor to participate in the...

2020-01-17 - 01:07 Read more

Notice to taxpayers – TAK modifies PD and CD tax forms

Tax Administration of Kosovo notifies you that the Annual Declaration and Payment Form for Personal Income Tax (PD) and the Annual Declaration and Payment Form for Corporate Income Tax (CD) are being modified, so by 31 January 2020, submission of these forms is not possible. Modification/change...

2020-01-10 - 04:04 Read more

Announcement - KCFR publishes the Administrative Instruction MF-No. 07/2019 on the Structure, Content and Submission of Annual Financial Reports

Kosovo Council for Financial Reporting (KCFR) has issued the Administrative Instruction MF-No. 07/2019 on the Structure, Content and Submission of Annual Financial Reports.   Please click HERE  to access the Administrative Instruction.

2019-12-26 - 10:04 Read more