We Have to Address Mental Health—Especially Now

Article written by: Prof. Andrew Conway, FIPA, FFA Source: IFAC Mental health and well-being is not a trend or buzz word. It is real and must be addressed—not just in the public interest but in the interests of humanity. The COVID-19 outbreak has brought this sharply into focus. The...

2020-04-17 - 12:52 Read more

Pakti për ekonomi të re


2020-04-16 - 07:05 Read more

Tomorrow’s Risk Leadership: Delivering risk resilience and business performance

Article published by: CGMA Tomorrow’s Risk Leadership, a report from London-based think tank 'Tomorrow's Company', shows how companies should rethink their risk leadership. The risk landscape is constantly evolving and becoming more complex. Being able to identify and...

2020-04-16 - 01:11 Read more

Guidance for Auditors during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Article published by: The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) Source: IFAC The COVID-19 pandemic is a global health and humanitarian crisis. Beyond the significant challenges that lay ahead in all facets of life, the pandemic has the potential to significantly...

2020-04-16 - 12:54 Read more

Five steps for business continuity amid COVID-19

Article written by: Ash Noah, CPA, CGMA, FCMA, VP - Managing Director - MA Learning, Education & Development, Association of International Certified Professional Accountants  As a former CFO, I have managed through crises, including the Gulf War, 9/11 and the 2008 financial crisis....

2020-04-14 - 11:57 Read more

A Guide to Managing Your (Newly) Remote Workers

Article written by: Barbara Z. Larson, Susan R. Vroman and Erin E. Makarius for Harvard Business Review In response to the uncertainties presented by Covid-19, many companies and universities have asked their employees to work remotely. While close to a quarter of the U.S. workforce already...

2020-04-14 - 11:07 Read more

Latest from The European Federation of Accountants and Auditors for SMEs (EFAA)

Source: EFAA   Foreword from the President - Salvador Marín   Dear Members and Friends of EFAA, As we all know too well, the whole world is currently in the middle of a global pandemic that has fundamentally changed the way we live and work, possibly forever and...

2020-04-13 - 10:44 Read more

PAO response to COVID-19: The case of the Society of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Kosovo

March, 2020 - In January 2020 we were all hearing news that a new virus had emerged in China and that the Chinese government was taking various measures to contain it and prevent the spread outside of the Wuhan province. While we were all hoping that COVID-19 would not cause many casualties in...

2020-04-08 - 12:39 Read more

Effect of COVID - 19 to KOSOVOs Economy and Financial Reporting System

I. Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic presents not only a significant threat to human health but also a major shock to the European and global economy. Most European countries have taken quarantine and lock-down measures, to prevent a wider spread of the pandemic which could lead to the collapse...

2020-04-08 - 12:31 Read more

COVID 19: Statistics in the Western Balkans - Edition III

Video prepared by: PhD. Arbër Hoti To access the Video, click HERE

2020-04-07 - 09:12 Read more

COVID 19: Statistics in the Western Balkans - Edition II

Video prepared by: PhD. Arbër Hoti To access the Video, click HERE

2020-04-07 - 09:11 Read more

COVID 19: Statistics in the Western Balkans - Edition I

Video prepared by: PhD. Arbër Hoti To access the Video, click HERE

2020-04-07 - 09:10 Read more

How SMPs are Supporting SME Clients Through the Crisis

Source: EFAA EFAA recognizes that while SMPs are heavily impacted by the coronavirus they are an invaluable source of guidance and expertise on financial management for SMEs. Many if not most SMEs are under enormous financial stress right now, and likely to be for some time, and so timely advice...

2020-04-07 - 12:32 Read more

EFAA Calls for Urgent Action to Support SMEs and SMPs

Source: EFAA EFAA has urged EU institutions and national governments to take urgent action to protect and support SMEs during this time of crisis. While the first and foremost concern and priority is to protect citizens health, EFAA stresses that SMEs will be the most severely impacted by the...

2020-04-07 - 12:27 Read more

Guidance for SMPs Coping with the Crisis

Source: EFAA SMPs are also struggling to cope with the crisis and need guidance on how to sustain their practice and operate as normally as possible. Here is some free guidance for SMPs sourced from around Europe and the rest of the world: COVID-19 Resources from IFAC’s Network...

2020-04-07 - 11:52 Read more

Impact on Reporting Entities and Auditors

Source: EFAA This article looks at the impact on reporting entities and auditors and how authorities are responding to the coronavirus crisis. The article focuses mainly on Asian countries that were first impacted. There may be lessons for European countries that are currently bearing the brunt...

2020-04-07 - 11:51 Read more

Getting government financial management systems COVID-19 ready

Article published by: World Bank Blogs So far, many developing countries have been experiencing less impact from COVID-19 than more developed countries. This gives them a narrow window of opportunity to get government systems prepared for an effective response in terms of containment and...

2020-04-03 - 04:57 Read more

Tips for Making Virtual Connections Work for You

Article written by: Alta Prinsloo - Executive Director with primary responsibility for IFAC’s new approach to advancing education for future-ready professional accountants Source: IFAC Virtual meetings have long been a relatively cheap and carbon-friendly alternative to in-person...

2020-04-03 - 04:46 Read more

Ekonomia në kohë pandemie

2020-03-29 - 12:01 Read more

Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Article written by: Phd. Edona Perjuci Today we are witnessing that the situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic is greatly affecting the overall global economic development and stability of financial markets. In this situation, the economic consequences, beside from the fact that they have...

2020-03-29 - 12:00 Read more

2020-03-29 - 11:59 Read more

Guidance on audit issues arising from the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic

Article published by: The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) AUDIT ISSUES ARISING FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) PANDEMIC   COVID-19 is causing a shock to the global economy that could prove sharp and large but should be temporary* (Bank of England). ...

2020-03-27 - 09:45 Read more

Goditja ekonomike pas pandemisë Covid-19

2020-03-27 - 09:42 Read more

ESMA issues guidance on accounting implications of COVID-19

Article published by: The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, has issued a Public Statement on some accounting implications of the economic support and relief measures adopted by EU...

2020-03-27 - 09:41 Read more

Implikimet e koronavirusit COVID-19 në çështjet e raportimit financiar

2020-03-27 - 09:40 Read more

Financial Management Tools to Help SMEs Weather the Crisis

Many tools and guidance are available to help SMEs manage their finances and right now financial management is crucial to the survival of many SMEs. Here are a few such tools: SME Financial Management Toolkit This SME Financial Management Toolkit is an online financial management tool...

2020-03-27 - 09:26 Read more

What boards can do to confront the coronavirus

Article written by: Sabine Vollmer - FM magazine senior editor Corporate boards have important duties to perform as responses to the new coronavirus, known as COVID-19, ripple around the world, disrupting supply chains, upsetting consumer spending, and placing anybody from political...

2020-03-27 - 09:06 Read more

Coronavirus Crisis: Implications on Reporting and Auditing

Published article by: Accountancy Europe The coronavirus (SARS-CoV-19) pandemic continues to spread in many countries, including in Europe. The World Health Organization (WHO) and national authorities can be consulted for the health implications on people. This crisis also has...

2020-03-27 - 08:47 Read more

Coronavirus: Business must be a player, not spectator

Article written by: Richard Edelman - CEO of Edelman and Dr. David Nabarro - The World Health Organization Special Envoy for COVID-19. As the world confronts the spread of the new Coronavirus, people seek greater clarity on the risks they can expect to face and how to best minimize them....

2020-03-27 - 08:22 Read more

If Your PAO Isn’t Working Remotely Yet, Use This Critical Time to Plan

Article written by:  Joseph Bryson - Director, Quality & Development Soruce: IFAC A week ago, I would have told you that unprecedented times is an expression I think is overkill. I would have told you that I’m confident things will get back to normal soon. My tune has...

2020-03-26 - 04:48 Read more